Showing 204 - 208 of 208 item(s)
XC3708 XC3708
Regular price $19.95 $25.95
In stock
One of the Arduino projects that everyone should try is the coloured lolly sorter, and you can't build one of these without a colour sensor. The Colour Sensor Module can give individual greyscale, red, green and blue colour lev...
XC3706 XC3706
Regular price $9.95 $15.95
In stock
The HD44780 compatible LCDs are great for displaying text and simple graphics, but quickly use up your available microcontroller pins. Using the PCF8574 port expander IC, you can control these LCDs using just 2 pins via I2C. Th...
XC3702 XC3702
Regular price $9.95 $15.95
Sold out
There's heaps of different uses for a barometric sensor, such as using it to forecast the weather or measuring altitude. The Bosch BMP180 sensor also includes a temperature sensor, and is accessible via an I2C interface. Featu...
XC3700 XC3700
Regular price $6.95 $12.95
Sold out
The DS18B20 Digital temperature Module provides up to 12bits of resolution and 0.5 degree accuracy through a single digital IO pin with no external components needed for connection to a microcontroller. Multiple devices can eve...
Showing 204 - 208 of 208 item(s)